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#9 | Mike Kerns | You Don't Have To Be A Green Beret To Be In Medical Sales, But It Helps!

Matthew Ray Scott Season 1 Episode 9

Mike Kerns is an Army Green Beret Officer and Medical Device Sales Consultant.

I ask Mike:

  • How did being a Green Beret prepare you for medical sales? 
  • What is the one thing that you’re doing for your clients that’s making the biggest difference? 
  • You and I have joined forces and are not just selling products, rather helping to build doctor practices. What difference does that make? 
  • What are the pivots that doctors need to make to attract more patients around a particular perspective or technology? 
  • Many military veterans are listening to this podcast. What can you say that may make them consider medical sales as a profession or as a proving ground to become their own boss?